How to Swim Healthy

How to Swim HealthySwimming is a great way to stay healthy, particularly when you take steps to avoid the most common dangers.  By keeping in mind safety, germ exposure, hydration, and sun protection, it is possible to engage in healthy swimming, have fun, and reap exercise benefits.
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Spa Design Trends

Spa DesignThe many new, innovative, and revamped design trends for the upcoming pool and spa season are loaded with possibilities like you’ve never seen before. And, one of the biggest and hottest trends of the year is the sizzling hot resurgence of spas and hot tubs. The sales of these babies have shot up big-time in recent years, more than quadrupling in the past half decade. But don’t be fooled when somebody says the words ‘hot tub’ or ‘spa’ to you, ’cause these beauties are nothing like they were back in the early days of fiberglass hot tubs… you know, like the ones you see in bad movies from the 1970s. Today, hot tubs and spas have evolved, and the inspiration for the myriad designs are nearly as vast and limitless as the water that flows serenely through them. Here’s information from top pool construction and pool renovation companies about the hottest trends in spa and hot tubs designs for the upcoming season that will have you longing to dip into a spa of your very own. Continue reading